昨天母公司安排我去面談,其中一位面談者問我一個問題是Embeded processor無法開機的問題。
(1) CLOCK problem
The processor needs a stable clock for operation. The clock shall be within the allow range。
如果clock不對, 通常 CS0 signal會出不來。
(2) DC Power
There are Core power and I/O power in modern processor design.
The power sequence described in the datasheet shall be followed .
The reset signal shall be long enough to make sure the reset is executed before
the boot sequence.
(4)Boot strap pin
Some processors have dedicated strap pins for some setting.
Most of them might be sampled at the rising edge of reset signal.
(5) Bus endianship
The endianship shall be correct in the boot device.
The LSB of Address bus might be A0 (8-bit) A1(16-bit) or A2( 32-bit)
or A0 (if there is internal bus switch)
The Data bus orienattion, check powerPC for reference.
(6) Boot code (or BIOS) FLASH (or ROM).
The connection to FLASH device is also another issue.
Some of the FLASH device have different LSB pin for address bus.
(7) Bus collision
Some of the peripherial if not properly controlled or well decoded
will output data in the data bus and corrupt the data bus.
(8) F/W error
Correct init. sequence shall be applied to have a sucessful boot.
(9) Signal integrity
Good layout and timing will give good result.
(10) Others
Sometimes, there is still unknown problem other than design
Such as bad soldering, Bad chip ....