
節錄"大師輕鬆讀 No.6 P48~P49"

How do you personally define success?
Away from the usual trappings like "enough money to do anything I can ever want",
most people tend to define success by the way others think about them.
A person feels like a success when they earn the recognition and respect of
the people they admire. When we build a character others like and respect, we
consider ourselves to be successful


The key elements of good character are


Virtue: taking actions that contribute to the well-being of others in a constructive way.
美德: 以建設性的方法,為他人的福祉謀福利。

Integrity: being relied upon to do what you say

Trust: the ability to rely on others
信任   能信賴他人。

Honesty : avoiding self-deception and lies.
誠實: 不自欺欺人。

Self-discipline : the ability to do what needs to be done even when you don't necessarily feel like doing it.
自律   即使是不喜歡做的工作,只要有必要,仍會全力以赴。

Responsibility: for your own actions and for the actions of those who are under your direct control.
責任感   不論由自己或部屬完成的作業,你都對此負有責任。

Compassion: treating all people with respect and understanding where other people are coming from.
同情心   以尊重及了解的心態對待所有人,不管他們是什麼出身。

Kindness:lifting the spirits of those you come into contact with on a daily basis
親切   讓你周遭的每個人都精神愉快。

Friendship: focusing on the needs of others rather than being all  consumed with your own requirements.
友誼: 不要只關切自己的需要,也重視別人的需要。

Gentleness and good manners: especially to your closest work associates.
溫文有禮與良好的態度: 特別是對最親近的同事。

Peace of mind: being comfortable with where you're at and how you live your life
平和的心: 對自己的處境與生活方式感到自在而不怨恩。

The more you build your character, the more opportunities will now
into your life. In general, character is the greatest guarantee of good luck
that is available. To build a better business or a better career, work on
building a stronger and more vibrant character base on which to build.


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