


 依據 ITU-T G.712 weighted noise應該是要小於-65dBm0 的 

 (0.0043mV over 600ohm TWP)

 我們實驗室量到是 -70dBm0 (0.000408mV over 600ohm TWP)

 可是印尼實驗室量到是-60dBm0 (0.001291mV over 600ohm TWP)

 這問題真的搞到我自己都不知道如何解決 (因為和另一位同事在實驗怎麼量怎麼都是會過)

 因為以電壓來看 整整差了三倍之多


 更慘的是 對方測Single frequency Noise 時居然要求一定要灌一個1KHz 0dBm0的主訊號

 再看其他雜訊的能量(依據 ITU-T G.712 要小於-50dBm0 的 ) 


 我請同事跟他說 所謂IDLE CHANNEL 就是通路上沒有其他語音能量

 IDLE CHANNEL NOISE 其實就是在解釋靜音的能量高低

 他的測法其實是ITU-T G.712的Total Distortion的量法

 沒想到主測官還是堅持己見  真是被打敗了 



 ITU-T G.712 Single frequency Noise 條文如下

9.2 Single frequency interference
The level of any single frequency measured selectively (in particular the sampling frequency and its multiples at the 4-wire analogue, E4out, and 2-wire analogue, E2out ports) should not exceed –50 dBm0.

12 Total distortion, including quantizing distortion
With a sine-wave test signal at the nominal reference frequency of 1020 Hz applied to the input port of a channel, the ratio of signal-to-total distortion power measured with the proper noise weighting (see Table 4/G.223) at the output port should lie above the limits shown in Figures 11 and 12.


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